Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride

Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride

Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride

# news_english

Protestant Church with its Own Truck at CSD Berlin Pride

Strong together for democracy and diversity! ? - Under the theme "Love Heals The Soul", the Protestant Church was once again represented with a fully booked truck at the Berlin CSD 2024. Despite the rain, the atmosphere was fantastic. As General Superintendent Ulrike Trautwein, who was once again at this year's CSD, said: "Our CSD truck is a great sign that many people in the Protestant Church are always standing up for tolerance and solidarity." Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner was also present and spent quite a while on the Protestant Church's truck in Berlin. 

A big thank you to Ulrike Trautwein, Superintendent Silke Radosh-Hinder, the entire team and everyone who made this day possible!

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