Full St. Mary's Church at the Gay Pride service

Full St. Mary's Church at the Gay Pride service

Full St. Mary's Church at the Gay Pride service

# news_english

Full St. Mary's Church at the Gay Pride service

By the end, many people were in tears. As singer Dorrey Lin Lyles passionately interpreted the song "Everything Must Change," a melancholy atmosphere arose because many people realized this was the last CSD service. This is certainly not the last CSD service, the tradition will continue, but this was the last CSD service under the leadership of Superintendent Höcker, who, in his 14-year tenure in the church district of Berlin city center, wholeheartedly committed to the queer community and gave a spiritual abode to so many. 

In her moving speech, General Superintendent Ulrike Trautwein paid tribute to the work of the Protestant theologian. Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner also thanked Superintendent Höcker. Wegner said, "This service showed how religious diversity can overcome walls and strengthen bridges. While even if much had been achieved, it was still not enough." Superintendent Höcker himself emphasized in his sermon, referring to growing homophobia: "We won't let our city be ruined by people who don't want it to be colorful." At the same time, he thanked everyone who also set a sign for respect, tolerance, and diversity with their participation in the CSD parade on Saturday.


Silke Radosh-Hinder will fill the superintendent's office as one to two leaders, alongside Matthias Lohenner from September. Silke will continue to carry out and develop the commitment internationally, including supporting queer activists from Ghana and Namibia. Both have been participating in the CSD service for several years.


The service was streamed live, here is the YouTube video, here is the picture gallery, and here you can read the sermon.

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